The idea
I would like to tell you how I came up with the idea for Safe-Jogger.
Some time ago I noticed that my body no longer cooperates as I was always used to. I had gained 14 kg and here and there everything was heavier. Finally I decided to start jogging…!
Jogging is not only good for fitness and weight loss, it is also very healthy for our organs such as the heart or lungs. The first weeks I had to get over myself, but after a few weeks it was really fun.
I started jogging with several people, but then the problem came that not everyone always had time and that we had very different requirements in terms of speed and distance run.
So I started jogging 2 or 3 times a week alone, and that didn’t diminish the fun of jogging. On the contrary, I was independent of the times and could adjust speed and distance according to my needs.
But then, one day, I was so about 4km from home, I got a little dizzy with once and I took a break. I had not drunk much that day, and that was the cause of my circulation problems.
But as I make so the break and wait for me to feel better again I was also a little scared……!
What if I just keel over now? Or if I get a circulatory collapse now? With this feeling, with this fear of having to worry, jogging is no fun.
So I looked on the Internet to see what I could do about it and if there was a solution. I do have a smartwatch with fall detection…, but first, it doesn’t detect every fall! And secondly, what if I take a break because I’m not feeling well and then I faint?
So searched and searched and searched…, and found nothing on the Internet which could solve my problem. I did not want to resign myself to that. So I decided to come up with a solution for this problem myself. And so after a lot of back and forth thinking I came up with the idea for Safe-Jogger.
I asked my longtime school friend Denny if he could develop my idea as an app for my mobile phone………! And after a few months and some test versions it was done. The app Safe-Jogger was ready and worked great, just the way I wanted it to.
I hope that with Safe-Jogger I can give you the same feeling of safety that I got and wish you always a good and safe run or ride.
How does SafeJogger work?

You want to go jogging alone, go for a ride on your bike, go skiing, go on a roller skating tour, or something similar?
When you start, you simply activate the Safe Jogger app and set off (you set up the app before the first time, of course).
If something happens to you during your tour, such as a fall or you faint, Safe-Jogger sends a SMS to one or two people you have previously selected with the info from Safe-Jogger and your current location. Additionally the Safe-Jogger APP can also call a contact. The call is again a plus, because not everyone looks at a text message immediately on the cell phone. But if the phone rings, it is even safer. And Safe-Jogger does all this automatically, even if you are not able to use your phone for some reason (e.g. fainting after a fall).
Of course you inform your selected contacts about Safe-Jogger and explain the app to them. First of all your contacts should not get scared when they get a SMS or a call. You could just take a break and forget to reset the timer. So they should first try to reach you by phone when they got a SMS from the Safe-Jogger. If you don’t react then it still doesn’t mean that something bad has happened but thanks to your location data in the SMS they can track you down and look for you. It is best to talk to your selected contacts beforehand about the procedure in case of an alarm by the SafeJogger APP.
Safe-Jogger will be triggered if you don’t move for 1 minute (this pause time is adjustable). You also have the possibility to extend the timer at any time with a click in the app.
As an additional feature in the Pro version of Safe-Jogger there is the instant call button. With it you can trigger the alarm and your selected contact will immediately receive an SMS with your location and a call from you.